Central Asia brand diluted ink
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Central Asia brand diluted ink

Dilution ink is a kind of ink blending oil, which is essentially an ink without pigment. The proper addition of this product will not change the adhesion, printability and other rheological properties of the ink. This product has many different properties when added under different conditions: it can be used as a color reducing agent when adjusting the color separation deviation of the printing plate; A small amount of it can be added as a color enhancer when the printing speed is allowed to increase; Add it in the old ink to increase the gloss and firmness, and it can be used as a supplement; It is an improver added to the ink with poor performance.
Generally, this product is used as an ink reducing agent: after adding this product, the proportion of pigment in the ink will decrease, and the more the amount added, the lighter the ink color formed. The amount of this product added in the ink is recommended to be controlled at 10% - 30%.
Package 2.5kg/can
Product details

Dilution ink is a kind of ink blending oil, which is essentially an ink without pigment. The proper addition of this product will not change the adhesion, printability and other rheological properties of the ink. This product has many different properties when added under different conditions: it can be used as a color reducing agent when adjusting the color separation deviation of the printing plate; A small amount of it can be added as a color enhancer when the printing speed is allowed to increase; Add it in the old ink to increase the gloss and firmness, and it can be used as a supplement; It is an improver added to the ink with poor performance.
Generally, this product is used as an ink reducing agent: after adding this product, the proportion of pigment in the ink will decrease, and the more the amount added, the lighter the ink color formed. The amount of this product added in the ink is recommended to be controlled at 10% - 30%.
Package 2.5kg/can

key word
Dilute ink 05-93
Central Asia brand diluted ink
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